If you have a toothache it is a sign that you need to go to the dentist. And it may be necessary for root canal treatment. Everyone dreads a root canal but there is no need with MyMedyk. Our specialist endodontist uses a microscope or special glasses which reduces discomfort.

Dr Sebastian Kwiatkowski − the leading MyMedyk specialist for root canals and re-endo – reaches the hard to reach places and treats them with precision. A microscope, which we use, becomes priceless and in the hands of Dr Kwiatkowski becomes an essential tool in the fight against toothache.

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In other surgeries the root canal may not be easily reachable, (either overgrown or broken after a pre-treatment with standard therapy). In our clinic we always manage to save the teeth. Root canal treatment under the microscope is a chance to maintain a beautiful, natural smile. The more that in many cases, root canal treatment without complications microscope ends and it becomes necessary to use technology reendo.

With magnification, we see even microscopic changes. It is true that the treatment takes longer than standard treatments; one visit takes between one and a half to two hours. However, a well-treated tooth guarantees satisfaction and a smile on your face, and a guarantee of preservation of the tooth.

For such a root canal we use a very precise tool. When the channel is permeable it is scrubbed with special liquids to disinfect it and thoroughly filled with material adjacent to the channel walls. This ensures the bacteria do not have a chance to return to the channel.

Even with large changes a tooth has a good prognosis. This is down to Dr Sebastian Kwiatkowski, who with his experience in root canal therapy helps patients regain a beautiful smile.

If you are waiting for a root canal come immediately to one of our clinics or call MyMedyk for professional help. At MyMedyk you can even get a complete prosthetic in an hour. This is very important when root canal treatment has resulted in a significant loss of the tooth. MyMedyk uses CEREC technology by which the treatment lasts for 3 hours instead of weeks as in traditional methods. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7qx92aIn9Y0)

Cerec - newest technology in dentistry
Dental restoration by cerec is an up-to-date, fast, safe technology that gives the best and most natural results. Crowns, bridges, veneers, inlays/onlays in one day? Yes, it is now within your reach with our dentists.

CEramic REConstruction uses a variety of computer-assisted technologies, such as 3D photography and CAM/CAD. There is no need for impressions or temporaries and as a result the patient gains high-quality, long-lasting restoration. With this procedure teeth can be restored in one day, saving your time and giving you back your beautiful smile in just a few hours.